Surah90 Albalad
Bismillahi -rraHhamani-rraHheem
{Laaa ouqsimu bi hatha-l-balad,
Wa anta Hhillum bihatha-lbalad,
wa walidi-wa mawalad,
laqad khalaqna-l-insana fee kabad ,
ayaHhsabu alayaqdira 3alayhi aHhad,
Yaqoulu ahlaktu malal lubada,
AyaHhsabu al-lam yarahou aHhad,
Alam naj3al lahou 3aynayn,
Wa lisana-wa shafatayn,
Wa haday-nahun-najdayn,
falaq-taHhama -l3aqabah,
Wa maaa adraka mal aqabah,
fakku raqabah,
Aw iTt3amu-fee yaumi-thee mas-ghabah,
Yateeman tha maqrabah,
Aw miskeenan tha matrabah,
Thumma kana minallatheena aaamanou,
wa tawaSsaw biSsabri wa tawaSsaw bilmarHhamah,
Oulaaaa'ika aSsHhabu -lmaymanah,
wallatheena kafarou bi ayatina hum aSsHhabu-lmash'amah,
3alayhim narum-mu'Ssadah}.
Meanings of words:
La uqsimu=should mean i don't swear, but here it means nay,I do swear!!
albalad=country or referring to Makkah
walidi=begetter(father,or mother)
insana=human being
kabad=toil and struggle
a-yaHhsab= the [a] is meaning:does he,think
an-lan=that not
yaqdira=have power (qudrah=power,ability)
3layhi=over him
yaqoul=he says(boastfully,in this ayah)
ahlaktu=I have squandered
lubada=in abundance
an-lam=that none
alam=have not
naj3al=(We)made for him,ja3al=he made or did
3aynayn=two eyes,(3ayn=one eye)
shafatayn=two lips,(shafa,shifa=lip)
annajdayn=two highways,najd=highland....steep difficult path of virtue and the easy path of vice.
fa la=he hasn't
iqtaHham=dive,rush into,embark boldly
al-aqabah=obstaqle, it is the steep path
ma adrak=what do you know(what will explain to thee) it means freeing it means a slave or bondman
kana=he became
allatheena=those who
amanou=who believe
marHhamah=kindness and compassion
oula'ika=those are(such are)
maymanah=right hand(who will achieve salvation)
kafarou=reject(those who)
ayatina=our signs
almash'amah=left hand(unhappy companions)shou'm=eveil omen,bad luck,misfortune
mou'Ssada=vaulted over
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Surat Ashams
Surah91 Ashams
"Wa-shamsi waDduHhaha,
Wa-lqamari itha talaha,
Wannahari itha jallaha,
Wa layli itha yagh-shaha,
Wa-samaa 'i wa ma banaha,
Wa-alarDdi wa ma TtaHhaha,
Wa nafsi-wama sawaha,
Fa alhamaha fujouraha wataqwaha,
Qad aflaHha man- zakaha,
Wa qad khaba man- dassaha.
Kathabat Thamoudu bi Ttaghwaha,
Ithim-ba3atha ashqaha,
Fa qala lahum rasoulullahi naqatallahi wa suqyaha,
Fa kathabouhu fa3aqarouha fadamdama 3alayhim rabbuhum bi thambihim fasawaha,
Wa la yakhafau 3uqbaha."
Meanings of the words:
All the waws here are waw alqassam(Allah is swearing by His creations).
Ashams=the sun
(An)nahar=(the) day
jalla(ha)=shows(her glory)
assama ' i=(the)sky
wa ma=and what(here this 'ma' is called "ma masDdariyah", in this and the subsequent clauses are best translated into English by nouns,so what would literally be "and the wonderful making of it " ,will be :"its wonderful structure"
bana(ha)=built (it,she)
(ma)TtaHha(ha)=(what)spread (it,her)
sawa(ha)=given its order and proportion
taqwaha=it's righteousness
zakka(ha)=purifies it
kathaba(at)=rejected(the people of Thamud)here people are referred to in feminine ,they have rejected their prophet.
Bi=by, through
Ttaghwa(ha)=inordinate wrongdoing
Inba3atha=was deputed
Ashqa(ha)=its most wicked man
Naqah=she-camel(naqata-llahi=we pronounce the ta marboutah at the end if we want to merge into the next word Allah, when read it alone we change the ta marbouta to 'ha '.)
Suqyaha=it's(the she-camel's) drink.
Kathabou(hu)=they denied (him),kathib=liar
3aqarou(ha)=killed(it) 3qar=slaughter
thanbihim=their sin
sawaha=equal(in destruction)
uqbaha=consequences of it,
(1)aqab 3ala=to comment on,to review,
(4)aqib =cigarette or pencil stump
(5)aqib so-and-so=immediately after
"Wa-shamsi waDduHhaha,
Wa-lqamari itha talaha,
Wannahari itha jallaha,
Wa layli itha yagh-shaha,
Wa-samaa 'i wa ma banaha,
Wa-alarDdi wa ma TtaHhaha,
Wa nafsi-wama sawaha,
Fa alhamaha fujouraha wataqwaha,
Qad aflaHha man- zakaha,
Wa qad khaba man- dassaha.
Kathabat Thamoudu bi Ttaghwaha,
Ithim-ba3atha ashqaha,
Fa qala lahum rasoulullahi naqatallahi wa suqyaha,
Fa kathabouhu fa3aqarouha fadamdama 3alayhim rabbuhum bi thambihim fasawaha,
Wa la yakhafau 3uqbaha."
Meanings of the words:
All the waws here are waw alqassam(Allah is swearing by His creations).
Ashams=the sun
(An)nahar=(the) day
jalla(ha)=shows(her glory)
assama ' i=(the)sky
wa ma=and what(here this 'ma' is called "ma masDdariyah", in this and the subsequent clauses are best translated into English by nouns,so what would literally be "and the wonderful making of it " ,will be :"its wonderful structure"
bana(ha)=built (it,she)
(ma)TtaHha(ha)=(what)spread (it,her)
sawa(ha)=given its order and proportion
taqwaha=it's righteousness
zakka(ha)=purifies it
kathaba(at)=rejected(the people of Thamud)here people are referred to in feminine ,they have rejected their prophet.
Bi=by, through
Ttaghwa(ha)=inordinate wrongdoing
Inba3atha=was deputed
Ashqa(ha)=its most wicked man
Naqah=she-camel(naqata-llahi=we pronounce the ta marboutah at the end if we want to merge into the next word Allah, when read it alone we change the ta marbouta to 'ha '.)
Suqyaha=it's(the she-camel's) drink.
Kathabou(hu)=they denied (him),kathib=liar
3aqarou(ha)=killed(it) 3qar=slaughter
thanbihim=their sin
sawaha=equal(in destruction)
uqbaha=consequences of it,
(1)aqab 3ala=to comment on,to review,
(4)aqib =cigarette or pencil stump
(5)aqib so-and-so=immediately after
Surat Allayl
Surah 92 Allayl
Wa-llayli itha yaghsha.
Wa-nnahari itha tajalla.
Wa makahalaqa-thakara wal-untha.
Inna sa3yakum la shatta.
Fa amma man a3Tta wattaqa,
Wa Ssaddaqa bilHhussna,
Fa sanuyassiruhu lilyussra.
Wa amma mam-bakhila wa-staghna,
Wa kathaba bil-Hhussna,
Fa sanuyassiruhu lil3ussra.
Wa ma yughny 3anhu maluhuu itha taradda,
Inna 3alayna lal-huda wa inna lana lal-akhirata wal-oula.
Fa anthartukum nara-talatha,
LA yaSslahaaa illal-ashqa ,
Allathi kathaba watawalla.
WA sayujannabuhal-atqa,
allathy you'ti malahou yatazakka,
Wa ma li aHhadin 3indahou min-ni3mati-tujza,
Illa-btighaaa'a wajhi rabbihi-la3la
Wa lasawfa yarDda."
Meanings of words:
wa=and (but here this wa is waw alqassam,the waw of swearing)when Allah swears by His creations.
yaghsha=conceals...,ghasha=covered,wrapped up
annahar=the day
tajalla=appears(in glory)...,jaliy=clear
athakar=the male
al0untha=the female
inna= it is
sa3yakum=your aims,ends....(sa3aa=seeks and end,sa3ee=going to and fro from between the Ssafa and Marwah in Makkah).
a3Tta=gave(in charity)
itaqa=feared (Allah),taqwa=fearing Allah
(nu)yassiruhu=(we)make easy,yussr=easiness,yassar=made easy
yussraa=path to ease
bakhila=miser(becaame greedy), bukhl=greediness,bakheel=miser
istaghna=(thinks himself)self sufficient*
al3usraa=path to misery,3aseer=hard
yughni=profit him,*ghanee=rich,or not in need of anyone
3anhu=for him
maluhu=his money,mal=money
3alayna=upon Us
la=lam attawkeed,the "L" of assuring
lana=unto Us
la=lam attawkeed
akhirata=the End
anthartukum=I have warned you(a,is for I,um=for you),antharna=he has warned us,antharnahum=we have warned them,antharouna=they have warned us.
talatha=blazing fiercely
yaSslaha=reach it(he),tasslaha=she reaches it,yasslawnaha=they reach it
al-ashqa=the most unfortunate one,shaqee=unfortunate,(in spoken arabic shaqee=mischievous,always getting into trouble)
tawalla=turned his back
yujanabuha=removed from it(he who is..)
al-atqa=the most devoted(to Allah),atqa comes from the word taqee,and taqwa
malahu=his money(wealth)
yatazakka=increase in self purification,comes from the root zaka=implies both increase and purification.
3indahu=with him
ni3matin=favour,ni3mah has many meanings,of it is the bounties of Allah,
and thie part of the ayah means=the good mand does the good deeds notwith the motive that someone will return this deed back to him(his sole desire is Allah's pleasure).
wajhi=the Face(countenance)
rabbihi=his Lord
ala3laa=Most High
la=lam attawkeed
yarDda=attain complete satisfaction,riDda'a=to be satisfied,when you say that this boy is "raDdi"you mean he is good to his parents.
Wa-llayli itha yaghsha.
Wa-nnahari itha tajalla.
Wa makahalaqa-thakara wal-untha.
Inna sa3yakum la shatta.
Fa amma man a3Tta wattaqa,
Wa Ssaddaqa bilHhussna,
Fa sanuyassiruhu lilyussra.
Wa amma mam-bakhila wa-staghna,
Wa kathaba bil-Hhussna,
Fa sanuyassiruhu lil3ussra.
Wa ma yughny 3anhu maluhuu itha taradda,
Inna 3alayna lal-huda wa inna lana lal-akhirata wal-oula.
Fa anthartukum nara-talatha,
LA yaSslahaaa illal-ashqa ,
Allathi kathaba watawalla.
WA sayujannabuhal-atqa,
allathy you'ti malahou yatazakka,
Wa ma li aHhadin 3indahou min-ni3mati-tujza,
Illa-btighaaa'a wajhi rabbihi-la3la
Wa lasawfa yarDda."
Meanings of words:
wa=and (but here this wa is waw alqassam,the waw of swearing)when Allah swears by His creations.
yaghsha=conceals...,ghasha=covered,wrapped up
annahar=the day
tajalla=appears(in glory)...,jaliy=clear
athakar=the male
al0untha=the female
inna= it is
sa3yakum=your aims,ends....(sa3aa=seeks and end,sa3ee=going to and fro from between the Ssafa and Marwah in Makkah).
a3Tta=gave(in charity)
itaqa=feared (Allah),taqwa=fearing Allah
(nu)yassiruhu=(we)make easy,yussr=easiness,yassar=made easy
yussraa=path to ease
bakhila=miser(becaame greedy), bukhl=greediness,bakheel=miser
istaghna=(thinks himself)self sufficient*
al3usraa=path to misery,3aseer=hard
yughni=profit him,*ghanee=rich,or not in need of anyone
3anhu=for him
maluhu=his money,mal=money
3alayna=upon Us
la=lam attawkeed,the "L" of assuring
lana=unto Us
la=lam attawkeed
akhirata=the End
anthartukum=I have warned you(a,is for I,um=for you),antharna=he has warned us,antharnahum=we have warned them,antharouna=they have warned us.
talatha=blazing fiercely
yaSslaha=reach it(he),tasslaha=she reaches it,yasslawnaha=they reach it
al-ashqa=the most unfortunate one,shaqee=unfortunate,(in spoken arabic shaqee=mischievous,always getting into trouble)
tawalla=turned his back
yujanabuha=removed from it(he who is..)
al-atqa=the most devoted(to Allah),atqa comes from the word taqee,and taqwa
malahu=his money(wealth)
yatazakka=increase in self purification,comes from the root zaka=implies both increase and purification.
3indahu=with him
ni3matin=favour,ni3mah has many meanings,of it is the bounties of Allah,
and thie part of the ayah means=the good mand does the good deeds notwith the motive that someone will return this deed back to him(his sole desire is Allah's pleasure).
wajhi=the Face(countenance)
rabbihi=his Lord
ala3laa=Most High
la=lam attawkeed
yarDda=attain complete satisfaction,riDda'a=to be satisfied,when you say that this boy is "raDdi"you mean he is good to his parents.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Surat ADhuHha
Surah 93 ADhuHha
Wa-llayli itha saja.
Ma wadda3aka rabuka wa ma qala.
Wa lal akhiratu khayru-laka minal-oula.
Wa la sawfa yu3Tteeka rabuka fa tarDda.
Alam yajidka yateema-fa aawa.
Wa wajadaka ddala-fa hada
Wa wajadaka 3aa-ila-fa aghna.
Fa amma-lyateema fala taqhar.
Wa amma ssaila fala tanhar.
Wa amma bi ni3mati rabbika faHhaddith.
Adduhha=growing hours of morning light
Allayl=the night
Saja=it is still
Rabbuka=your Lord(Guardian)
Akhirah=The Hereafter
Laka=for you
Al-oula=the first(the present)
Yu3Tteek=give you
TarDda=shall be pleased
Yajidka=he found you
Aawa=given shelter,(mawa=shelter)
Wajadak=found you
3ailan=in need
Aghna=made thee independent
Taqhar=treat with harshness
Assaila=who asks(for help)
Rabbika=your Lord
Hhaddith=rehearse and proclaim
Wa-llayli itha saja.
Ma wadda3aka rabuka wa ma qala.
Wa lal akhiratu khayru-laka minal-oula.
Wa la sawfa yu3Tteeka rabuka fa tarDda.
Alam yajidka yateema-fa aawa.
Wa wajadaka ddala-fa hada
Wa wajadaka 3aa-ila-fa aghna.
Fa amma-lyateema fala taqhar.
Wa amma ssaila fala tanhar.
Wa amma bi ni3mati rabbika faHhaddith.
Adduhha=growing hours of morning light
Allayl=the night
Saja=it is still
Rabbuka=your Lord(Guardian)
Akhirah=The Hereafter
Laka=for you
Al-oula=the first(the present)
Yu3Tteek=give you
TarDda=shall be pleased
Yajidka=he found you
Aawa=given shelter,(mawa=shelter)
Wajadak=found you
3ailan=in need
Aghna=made thee independent
Taqhar=treat with harshness
Assaila=who asks(for help)
Rabbika=your Lord
Hhaddith=rehearse and proclaim
Surat AsharhH
Surah 94 AsharhH
Alam nashraHh laka Ssadrak.
Wa waDda3na 3anka wizrak.
Allathi anqaDda thahrak.
Wa raf3na laka thikrak.
Fa inna ma3a-l3ussri yussra.
Inna ma3a-l3ussri yussra.
Fa itha faraghta fanssab
Wa ila rabbika farghab.
Alam=havent We
Ssadrak=your chest
Wa= and
3anka=from you
Wizrak=your burden
AnqaDda=gall(a galling burden for a man to fight single handedly against sin)
Thahrak=your back
Laka=for you
Thikrak=your rememberance(raised high esteem)
Inna=it is
Al3ussr=difficulty (hardships)
AnSsab=still labour hard
Arghab=turn all attention.
Alam nashraHh laka Ssadrak.
Wa waDda3na 3anka wizrak.
Allathi anqaDda thahrak.
Wa raf3na laka thikrak.
Fa inna ma3a-l3ussri yussra.
Inna ma3a-l3ussri yussra.
Fa itha faraghta fanssab
Wa ila rabbika farghab.
Alam=havent We
Ssadrak=your chest
Wa= and
3anka=from you
Wizrak=your burden
AnqaDda=gall(a galling burden for a man to fight single handedly against sin)
Thahrak=your back
Laka=for you
Thikrak=your rememberance(raised high esteem)
Inna=it is
Al3ussr=difficulty (hardships)
AnSsab=still labour hard
Arghab=turn all attention.
Surat Atteen
Surah 95 Atteen
Watteeni wazzaytoun.
Wa Ttouri seeneen.
Wa hatha-lbalad-ilameen.
Laqad khalqna-linsana fee aHhsani taqweem.
Thumma radanahu asfala safileen.
Illa-llatheena aamanou wa 3amilou-SsaliHhati falahum ajrun ghayru mamnoun.
Fa ma yukathibuka ba3du bidden.
Alaysa-allahu bi aHhkami-lHhakimeen.
*The substansive proposition is in verses 4-8,and it is clinched by an appeal to four sacred symbols:the fig,the olive,mount Sinai,and the sacred city of Makkah.
Wa=waw alqassam,the waw of swearing
Atteen=the fig
*literary the fig is the fruit of a tree,it can stand as a symbol of mans destiny in many ways.Under cultivation it is one of the finest most wholesome fruits,while in its wild state it is nothing but tiny seeds,and is insipid and sometimes full of worms and maggots.
Azzaytoun=the olive
*it is possible that the olive here refers to the Mount of olives just outside the walls of the city of Jerusalem,where the scene of the Gospel story of Christs description of the Judgement to come
*this is the mountain on which he law was given to Moses,and the Glory of Allah was made visible,but did Israel faithfully obey this law faithfully??
Albalad=the city(balad also means country)
Al-ameen=the secure(of security)
*The city of Makkah has always been respected even in pagan times and no fighting was allowed in its territory,yet the same city with all its sacred associations,persecuted the greatest prophet and gave itself up for a time to idolatory and sin,thus presenting the contrast of the best and worst.
Laqad= have indeed
Khalqna=we created
Safileen=of the low
3amilou=did,(comes from the word 3amal=labour,work)
aSsalihat=good deeds(righteous deeds)
(fa)lahum=they shall have
ajrun=reward,(ajr from work=earning)
Fa ma=and so what
Yukathibuka=make you deny
Ba3du=after(all this)
Biddeen=(in this religion),in the day of Judgement
AHhkam=The Wisest
Watteeni wazzaytoun.
Wa Ttouri seeneen.
Wa hatha-lbalad-ilameen.
Laqad khalqna-linsana fee aHhsani taqweem.
Thumma radanahu asfala safileen.
Illa-llatheena aamanou wa 3amilou-SsaliHhati falahum ajrun ghayru mamnoun.
Fa ma yukathibuka ba3du bidden.
Alaysa-allahu bi aHhkami-lHhakimeen.
*The substansive proposition is in verses 4-8,and it is clinched by an appeal to four sacred symbols:the fig,the olive,mount Sinai,and the sacred city of Makkah.
Wa=waw alqassam,the waw of swearing
Atteen=the fig
*literary the fig is the fruit of a tree,it can stand as a symbol of mans destiny in many ways.Under cultivation it is one of the finest most wholesome fruits,while in its wild state it is nothing but tiny seeds,and is insipid and sometimes full of worms and maggots.
Azzaytoun=the olive
*it is possible that the olive here refers to the Mount of olives just outside the walls of the city of Jerusalem,where the scene of the Gospel story of Christs description of the Judgement to come
*this is the mountain on which he law was given to Moses,and the Glory of Allah was made visible,but did Israel faithfully obey this law faithfully??
Albalad=the city(balad also means country)
Al-ameen=the secure(of security)
*The city of Makkah has always been respected even in pagan times and no fighting was allowed in its territory,yet the same city with all its sacred associations,persecuted the greatest prophet and gave itself up for a time to idolatory and sin,thus presenting the contrast of the best and worst.
Laqad= have indeed
Khalqna=we created
Safileen=of the low
3amilou=did,(comes from the word 3amal=labour,work)
aSsalihat=good deeds(righteous deeds)
(fa)lahum=they shall have
ajrun=reward,(ajr from work=earning)
Fa ma=and so what
Yukathibuka=make you deny
Ba3du=after(all this)
Biddeen=(in this religion),in the day of Judgement
AHhkam=The Wisest
Surat Al3alaq
Surah 96 Al3alaq
Bismillahi rraHhmani-rraHheem
Iqraa bismi rabbika-llathee khalaq
Khalaqa-l-insana min 3alaq
Iqraa wa rabbouka-l akram
Allathee 3allam bil-qalam
3allama-l-insana ma lam ya3lam
Kalla inna-l-insana la yaTtgha
Inna ila rabbika-rrouj3a
Araaytaallathi yanha
3abdan itha Ssalla
Araayta in kana 3ala-lhuda
Aw amara bittaqwa
Araayta in kathaba wa tawalla
Alam ya3lam^ bi anna-allaha yara
Kala la-illam yantahi lanasfa3a-m binnaSsiyah
NaSsiyati-kathibatin khatiah
Falyad3u nadiyah
Kalla latuTti3hu wasjud waqtarib.
qaraa=read(past),qaraat=she read,qaraou=they read
yaqraa=reading(he is),taqraa=she is reading,yaqraoun=they are reading
rabbika=your lord
yakhluq=creates,takhluq=(she)creates).yakhluqoon=they create, makhlooq=creature,makhlooq min=created of,khalq=creation
alaq=leech(in this context Allah subhanahu wat3ala means leech-like clot)
al-akram=the most bountiful,kareem=generous(person,masculine),
3allam=taught, 3ilm=knowledge,scienceetc
3alim=scientist,scholar..who has knowledge,t3allam=has learnt,ta3allamat=she has learnt
alqalam=the pen or pencil
insan=Man,human being
ya3lam=he knows
inna=it is that
la=lam tawkeed(lam of assurance,used to stress certain things)
raaahu=saw him
istaghna=has no need anymore(self sufficient),ghani=richness ,self-sufficed
arruj3aa=the return
arayta=did you see:
a=did, raayt=seen(have seen).the last a is for the pronoun you
rouya=dream(vision),raa=saw.raat=she saw,raou=they saw
tanha=she forbids,yanhawn=they forbid,nanhee=we forbid
Ssalla=prayed,Ssalat=prayer,Ssallat=she prayed,Ssallou=they prayed,yuSsalloon=they are praying,tuSsalleen=you are praying(feminine)
Al-huda=the Guidance
amara=ordered(in Islam when you enjoin the right deeds)
attaqwa=piety,taqee= a pious man,taqeeyah=a pious woman,atqiyaa=pious persons
kathaba=lied,yakthib=lying,kathaab=liar,kathabah=liar(F.), kathiboon=liars kathaboo=they lied
tawalla=turns away,
*note=running away from jihad during war is called twalli yawm azzaHhf=turning away on the day of proceeding
**tawalla,in another context could mean to be put in power,to become a minister,or the likes.
la-in=la is lam attawkeed,in=if
yantahi=he stops
la=lam tawqeed
annaSsiyah=forhead(they have found out recently that the part of the brain responsible for lying is in the forehead subhanallah)
kathibatin=lying(referring to the forehead)
khaTtaa=wrong,khatTtaoun=those who commit sins
fa-l-yad3u=so let him call,
fa=so,li=let,yad3ou=him call,da3wa=call to islam,invitation
nadiyah=his club,his council of comerades
sa= will
(na)d3ou=(we) call
azzabaniyah=the angels of punishment
iqtarib=get closer(to Allah),iqtarab=got closer,iqtarabat=got closer(female),qurb=closeness.
-the letters n in the word insan,must have ikhfaa of the noon,that is not read but the sound of the ghunna shows.
-the sign^indicates the ikhfaa in the case of the letter m because it was preceeded by the letter b.
Bismillahi rraHhmani-rraHheem
Iqraa bismi rabbika-llathee khalaq
Khalaqa-l-insana min 3alaq
Iqraa wa rabbouka-l akram
Allathee 3allam bil-qalam
3allama-l-insana ma lam ya3lam
Kalla inna-l-insana la yaTtgha
Inna ila rabbika-rrouj3a
Araaytaallathi yanha
3abdan itha Ssalla
Araayta in kana 3ala-lhuda
Aw amara bittaqwa
Araayta in kathaba wa tawalla
Alam ya3lam^ bi anna-allaha yara
Kala la-illam yantahi lanasfa3a-m binnaSsiyah
NaSsiyati-kathibatin khatiah
Falyad3u nadiyah
Kalla latuTti3hu wasjud waqtarib.
qaraa=read(past),qaraat=she read,qaraou=they read
yaqraa=reading(he is),taqraa=she is reading,yaqraoun=they are reading
rabbika=your lord
yakhluq=creates,takhluq=(she)creates).yakhluqoon=they create, makhlooq=creature,makhlooq min=created of,khalq=creation
alaq=leech(in this context Allah subhanahu wat3ala means leech-like clot)
al-akram=the most bountiful,kareem=generous(person,masculine),
3allam=taught, 3ilm=knowledge,scienceetc
3alim=scientist,scholar..who has knowledge,t3allam=has learnt,ta3allamat=she has learnt
alqalam=the pen or pencil
insan=Man,human being
ya3lam=he knows
inna=it is that
la=lam tawkeed(lam of assurance,used to stress certain things)
raaahu=saw him
istaghna=has no need anymore(self sufficient),ghani=richness ,self-sufficed
arruj3aa=the return
arayta=did you see:
a=did, raayt=seen(have seen).the last a is for the pronoun you
rouya=dream(vision),raa=saw.raat=she saw,raou=they saw
tanha=she forbids,yanhawn=they forbid,nanhee=we forbid
Ssalla=prayed,Ssalat=prayer,Ssallat=she prayed,Ssallou=they prayed,yuSsalloon=they are praying,tuSsalleen=you are praying(feminine)
Al-huda=the Guidance
amara=ordered(in Islam when you enjoin the right deeds)
attaqwa=piety,taqee= a pious man,taqeeyah=a pious woman,atqiyaa=pious persons
kathaba=lied,yakthib=lying,kathaab=liar,kathabah=liar(F.), kathiboon=liars kathaboo=they lied
tawalla=turns away,
*note=running away from jihad during war is called twalli yawm azzaHhf=turning away on the day of proceeding
**tawalla,in another context could mean to be put in power,to become a minister,or the likes.
la-in=la is lam attawkeed,in=if
yantahi=he stops
la=lam tawqeed
annaSsiyah=forhead(they have found out recently that the part of the brain responsible for lying is in the forehead subhanallah)
kathibatin=lying(referring to the forehead)
khaTtaa=wrong,khatTtaoun=those who commit sins
fa-l-yad3u=so let him call,
fa=so,li=let,yad3ou=him call,da3wa=call to islam,invitation
nadiyah=his club,his council of comerades
sa= will
(na)d3ou=(we) call
azzabaniyah=the angels of punishment
iqtarib=get closer(to Allah),iqtarab=got closer,iqtarabat=got closer(female),qurb=closeness.
-the letters n in the word insan,must have ikhfaa of the noon,that is not read but the sound of the ghunna shows.
-the sign^indicates the ikhfaa in the case of the letter m because it was preceeded by the letter b.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Surat AlQadr
Surah97 Alqadr
Innaa anzalnahu fee layalati-lqadr
Wa maa adraka ma laylatu-lqadr
Laylatu-lqadri khayru-min alfi shahr
Tanazzalu-lmalaikatu wa-rrouHhu feeha
Bi ithni rabbihim-mi- kul amr
Salamun hiya Hhatta mattla3I-lfajr.
Inna=we have
fee= in
Laylatul-Qadr=the night of power
adrak(a)=explain(to you),also it means what do you know of.
khayru-min=better than, khayr=good
*although shahr is singular,but there is a certain rule for using plural and singular nouns with numbers.
tanazalu=come down
almalaikatu=the angels,(malak=angel,malaikah=plural)
arrouHh=The Spirit(Gabriel)
feeha=in it
rabbihim=their lord
hiya=it is
maTtla3=the rise
Ttal3a=risen,yaTtla3=gets out or rises,Ttala3a=came out
Innaa anzalnahu fee layalati-lqadr
Wa maa adraka ma laylatu-lqadr
Laylatu-lqadri khayru-min alfi shahr
Tanazzalu-lmalaikatu wa-rrouHhu feeha
Bi ithni rabbihim-mi- kul amr
Salamun hiya Hhatta mattla3I-lfajr.
Inna=we have
fee= in
Laylatul-Qadr=the night of power
adrak(a)=explain(to you),also it means what do you know of.
khayru-min=better than, khayr=good
*although shahr is singular,but there is a certain rule for using plural and singular nouns with numbers.
tanazalu=come down
almalaikatu=the angels,(malak=angel,malaikah=plural)
arrouHh=The Spirit(Gabriel)
feeha=in it
rabbihim=their lord
hiya=it is
maTtla3=the rise
Ttal3a=risen,yaTtla3=gets out or rises,Ttala3a=came out
Surat Albayinah
Surah98 Albayinah
"Lam yakuni-llatheena kafarou min ahli-lkitabi
Wa-lmushrikeena mu-fakeena Hhatta ta'tiyahumu-lbayyinah.
Rasoulu-mmina-llahi yatlou SsuHhufa-mmuTtaharah.
Feeha kutubu-qayyimah.
Wa ma tafarraqa-llatheena outu-lkitaba illa mi-mba3di
Wa ma umirou illa li ya3budu-llaha mukhliSsina lahu-ddeena Hhunafa'a, wa yuqeemu-Ssalata wa you'tu -zzakata wa thalika deenu-lqayyimah.
Inna-llatheena kafarou min ahli-lkitaba wa-lmushrikeena fee nari jahannama kahliddena feehaa, oulaa-ika hum sharru-lbariyyah.
Inna-llatheen aamanou wa 3amilou-SsaliHhati oulaa-ika hum kahyru-lbariyyah.
Jaza'ouhum 3inda rabbihim ,jannatu 3adnin tajri mi-tahHtiha-l-anharu khalideena feehaa abada,
Radia-llahu 3anhum waraDdou anh,
thalika lima-khashiya rabbah."
yakun=was,present(but in this context it is for allathena kafarou)
(kanu=they were ,past tense,kunna=we were)
allatheena=those,allatee=this: feminine,allathee=this:masculine sing.
kafarou= who disbelieve
ahl=people of(usually in arabic ahl means parents or kin,my people ,your people)
munfakkeen=depart(from their ways),singular=munfak
ta'tiya(hum)=comes to (them),ya'ti=he comes,ta'iti=she comes,ata=he came,atat=she came
albayyinah=the clear evidence,bayyin=clear
Yatlou=rehearsing,tala=read(past),tilawah=a reading
Ssuhufan=scriptures(also used for newspapers),singular=SsaHhifah
MuTtaharah=pure and holy,Ttahir=pure,ttahirah=pure,feminine,muTtaharoun=pure
3-Fee(ha)=in (it)
katib=writer,katab=hewrote,katabat=she wrote,katabou they wrote
Qayyimah=right and straight, yuqeem=straighten,aqam=straightened
4-Tafarraq= break up into different ways
Allatheen=those who
Outu= were given,aatat=was given(feminine),outiya=was given (masculine)
Illa= except
Jaat(hum)=came (to them)
5-Umirou= (they were)ordered,umira=he was ordered,umirat=she was ordered
Ya3bud(ou)=worship(they),ya3bud=he worships,ta3bud=she worships,
abada=he worshipped,abadat=she worshipped,3abadou=they worshipped
mukhliSs(een)=sincere(many),mukhliSsah=sincere,feminine singular
lahu=to Him
Hhunafaa=being true in faith, singular=Hhaneef=true
Yuqeemu= establish ,aqama=(he )has established(prayer).
iqaamah=to begin (the prayer)
asSsala(ta)=prayer ,yuSsally=he prays,tuSsally=she prays,yuSsalloun=they are praying
ssalla=he has prayed,Ssallat=she has prayed, Ssallou=they have prayed
youtu=(they) donate,grant ,aata=he donated(singular)with a madd on the aleph*
*notice there is ata=(he)came,this one has a hamza on the aleph
thalika=that is
alqayyimah=straight (qawwaama=straightened)
ahli-lkitab=People of the Book
naar=fire(singular), niran=plural
khalideen(a)= eternal,undying, masculine singular=khalid, khalidah(feminine)
hum= they ( hum was used here to confirm the people of hell)
7-Aamanou=(those) who believed
aSsalihat= righteous deeds,in this context it is deeds(we know that because the word 3amilou came before it,
*but in another ayah it means the righteous(female), rajul Ssalih=righteous man
khayr= best, (depending on the context the word also means good)
8-jazaou(hum)= (their)reward, jazaouhu=his reward,jazaaha=her reward,jazaouhunna=their reward(feminine plural)
3inda= with , 3indee=with me,3indahum=with them,3indana=with us
rabbi(him) =(their) Lord
jannat=plural of jannah(paradise)
3adn(in)=Eden(Gardens of Eternity)
abada= fore ever
*Notice with jannat abad is added to confirm the eternal stay.
Radi(a)= pleased, radiyat=(she is pleased)
3anh(um)=with (them),3anhu=with him, 3anha=with her.
rad(ou) =pleased(they)
thalik(a)= that
khashiya=feared ,khashiyat=feared(feminine),
yakhshawna=they fear, takhsha=she fears,yakhsha=he fears.
"Lam yakuni-llatheena kafarou min ahli-lkitabi
Wa-lmushrikeena mu-fakeena Hhatta ta'tiyahumu-lbayyinah.
Rasoulu-mmina-llahi yatlou SsuHhufa-mmuTtaharah.
Feeha kutubu-qayyimah.
Wa ma tafarraqa-llatheena outu-lkitaba illa mi-mba3di
Wa ma umirou illa li ya3budu-llaha mukhliSsina lahu-ddeena Hhunafa'a, wa yuqeemu-Ssalata wa you'tu -zzakata wa thalika deenu-lqayyimah.
Inna-llatheena kafarou min ahli-lkitaba wa-lmushrikeena fee nari jahannama kahliddena feehaa, oulaa-ika hum sharru-lbariyyah.
Inna-llatheen aamanou wa 3amilou-SsaliHhati oulaa-ika hum kahyru-lbariyyah.
Jaza'ouhum 3inda rabbihim ,jannatu 3adnin tajri mi-tahHtiha-l-anharu khalideena feehaa abada,
Radia-llahu 3anhum waraDdou anh,
thalika lima-khashiya rabbah."
yakun=was,present(but in this context it is for allathena kafarou)
(kanu=they were ,past tense,kunna=we were)
allatheena=those,allatee=this: feminine,allathee=this:masculine sing.
kafarou= who disbelieve
ahl=people of(usually in arabic ahl means parents or kin,my people ,your people)
munfakkeen=depart(from their ways),singular=munfak
ta'tiya(hum)=comes to (them),ya'ti=he comes,ta'iti=she comes,ata=he came,atat=she came
albayyinah=the clear evidence,bayyin=clear
Yatlou=rehearsing,tala=read(past),tilawah=a reading
Ssuhufan=scriptures(also used for newspapers),singular=SsaHhifah
MuTtaharah=pure and holy,Ttahir=pure,ttahirah=pure,feminine,muTtaharoun=pure
3-Fee(ha)=in (it)
katib=writer,katab=hewrote,katabat=she wrote,katabou they wrote
Qayyimah=right and straight, yuqeem=straighten,aqam=straightened
4-Tafarraq= break up into different ways
Allatheen=those who
Outu= were given,aatat=was given(feminine),outiya=was given (masculine)
Illa= except
Jaat(hum)=came (to them)
5-Umirou= (they were)ordered,umira=he was ordered,umirat=she was ordered
Ya3bud(ou)=worship(they),ya3bud=he worships,ta3bud=she worships,
abada=he worshipped,abadat=she worshipped,3abadou=they worshipped
mukhliSs(een)=sincere(many),mukhliSsah=sincere,feminine singular
lahu=to Him
Hhunafaa=being true in faith, singular=Hhaneef=true
Yuqeemu= establish ,aqama=(he )has established(prayer).
iqaamah=to begin (the prayer)
asSsala(ta)=prayer ,yuSsally=he prays,tuSsally=she prays,yuSsalloun=they are praying
ssalla=he has prayed,Ssallat=she has prayed, Ssallou=they have prayed
youtu=(they) donate,grant ,aata=he donated(singular)with a madd on the aleph*
*notice there is ata=(he)came,this one has a hamza on the aleph
thalika=that is
alqayyimah=straight (qawwaama=straightened)
ahli-lkitab=People of the Book
naar=fire(singular), niran=plural
khalideen(a)= eternal,undying, masculine singular=khalid, khalidah(feminine)
hum= they ( hum was used here to confirm the people of hell)
7-Aamanou=(those) who believed
aSsalihat= righteous deeds,in this context it is deeds(we know that because the word 3amilou came before it,
*but in another ayah it means the righteous(female), rajul Ssalih=righteous man
khayr= best, (depending on the context the word also means good)
8-jazaou(hum)= (their)reward, jazaouhu=his reward,jazaaha=her reward,jazaouhunna=their reward(feminine plural)
3inda= with , 3indee=with me,3indahum=with them,3indana=with us
rabbi(him) =(their) Lord
jannat=plural of jannah(paradise)
3adn(in)=Eden(Gardens of Eternity)
abada= fore ever
*Notice with jannat abad is added to confirm the eternal stay.
Radi(a)= pleased, radiyat=(she is pleased)
3anh(um)=with (them),3anhu=with him, 3anha=with her.
rad(ou) =pleased(they)
thalik(a)= that
khashiya=feared ,khashiyat=feared(feminine),
yakhshawna=they fear, takhsha=she fears,yakhsha=he fears.
Surat Azzalzalah

Sura 99 (Azzalzalah)
Itha zulzilati-larDdu zilzalaha.
wa akhrajati-larDdu athqalaha.
wa qal-linsanu malaha.
yawma-ithi- tuhaddithu akhbaraha.
Bi-anna rabbaka awHha laha.
Yawma-ithi- yaSsduru-nnassu ashtata-li yuraw a3malahum.
Fa ma-ya3mal mithqala tharatin khayra-yarah.
Wa ma-ya3mal mithqala tharati-sharra-yarah.
Meanings of words:
Zulzilat=trembled(as in earthquake),zilzal=earthquake
Zilzala(ha)=its earthquake
Akhrajat=took out(kharaja=went out,masc. ,kharajat=went out,fem.,akhraja=take out,masc.)
al-insanu=(insan) human being,man
malah(a)=what is wrong with it(her),
mala(hum)=what is wrong with them(masc.,plural),malahu=what is wrong with him, malah(un)=what is wrong with them,fem,plural.
Yawma-ithin=that day
Tuhadithu=declare(talk about),hadeeth(noun),haddatha(talked,masculine)
Bi=for(by),depending on context
AwHha =given inspiration,waHhy=inspiration
Laha=to her(it)
YaSsdur=come out(show,publish),Ssadara=came out
Ashtat=sorted out
Yuraw=be shown,yara=see,yura=be seen
A3malahum=their deeds,3amal=deed,a3mal=deeds
Yarah=sees it
Friday, October 24, 2008
Surat Al3adiyat
Surah 100 Al3adiyat
"Wa-l3adiyati DdabHha.
Fa-lmuriyati qadHha.
Fa-lmughirati SsubHha.
Fa atharna bihee naq3a.
FawaSsaTtna bihee jam3a.
Inna-l-insana li rabbihi lakanoud.
wa innahu 3ala thalika la shaheed.
wa innahu liHhubbi-lkhayri la shadeed.
A fala ya3lamu itha bu3thira mafi-lqubour.
Wa huSsila mafi-SsuDdour.
Inna rabahum bihim yawma ithin lakhabeer."
Meanings of words:
Wa=is the waw of qassam,that is the waw of oath
*Aallah subhanhu wat3ala swears by the great things He had created in many instances in the Quran.
Ddabha=that run(panting)
almuriyat=the steed who by hitting their hoofs..
qadhha=strike sparks of fire
almughirat=the steeds who attack
SsubHha=by morning
atharna=(they)raise the (dust)
bihi=in the morning(bi=with,in)
naq3a=dust in clouds
waSsaTtna=in the middle(of enemies)
jam3a= group or groups
al-insan=Man(human being)
*rab=Lord,and the "hi" at the end is the pronoun meaning "his"
la=(it is called the "l" of assurance,lam attawkeed)surely
innahu=surely he is
3ala=on (to)
hubbi=love (of)
afala=doesn't (he)
ya3lamu=(he) knows......(3ilm=knowledge,3alima=knew)
huSsila=made manifest(made known)
aSsudoor=chests(breast),singular Ssadr
rabbahum=their Lord
bihim=of them
la=lam attawkeed(surely)
"Wa-l3adiyati DdabHha.
Fa-lmuriyati qadHha.
Fa-lmughirati SsubHha.
Fa atharna bihee naq3a.
FawaSsaTtna bihee jam3a.
Inna-l-insana li rabbihi lakanoud.
wa innahu 3ala thalika la shaheed.
wa innahu liHhubbi-lkhayri la shadeed.
A fala ya3lamu itha bu3thira mafi-lqubour.
Wa huSsila mafi-SsuDdour.
Inna rabahum bihim yawma ithin lakhabeer."
Meanings of words:
Wa=is the waw of qassam,that is the waw of oath
*Aallah subhanhu wat3ala swears by the great things He had created in many instances in the Quran.
Ddabha=that run(panting)
almuriyat=the steed who by hitting their hoofs..
qadhha=strike sparks of fire
almughirat=the steeds who attack
SsubHha=by morning
atharna=(they)raise the (dust)
bihi=in the morning(bi=with,in)
naq3a=dust in clouds
waSsaTtna=in the middle(of enemies)
jam3a= group or groups
al-insan=Man(human being)
*rab=Lord,and the "hi" at the end is the pronoun meaning "his"
la=(it is called the "l" of assurance,lam attawkeed)surely
innahu=surely he is
3ala=on (to)
hubbi=love (of)
afala=doesn't (he)
ya3lamu=(he) knows......(3ilm=knowledge,3alima=knew)
huSsila=made manifest(made known)
aSsudoor=chests(breast),singular Ssadr
rabbahum=their Lord
bihim=of them
la=lam attawkeed(surely)
Surat Alqari3ah
Surah101 Alqari3ah
Wa ma adraka ma -lqari3ah.
Yawma yakoonu-nnasu kalfarashi -lmabthooth.
Wa takoonu -ljibalu kal3ihni-lmanfoosh.
Fa amma man thaqulat mawazeenuh.
Fa huwa fee 3eeshatin radhiah.
Wa amma man khaffat mawazeenuh.
Fa ummuhu hawiyah.
Wa ma adraka mahiyah.
Narun Hhamiyah."
Meanings of words:
*I have removed the "al" from the words to give you the meaning of the words themselves.
al-qari3ah = one of the names for the day of Judgement(day of Clamour).
ma-lqari3ah = what is the day of clamour
adraka= do you know(what will explain to you)
yawma= day
yakoonu= will be(masculine)
annasu = the people
ka= as
farash = butterflies(moths)
farashah(one butterfly)
mabthooth =scattered
takoon= will be (feminine)
jibal = mountains
3ihn= wool
manfoosh = carded
fa amma= then he
thaqulat=became heavy
mawazeenuhu=(his) balance
with good deeds.
fa = then
huwa = he
radhia =of pleasure and satisfaction
khaffat=became light(in weight)
ummuhu=his home(ummuhu really means mother,but here it is used to relay this meaning)
hawiyah=bottomless pit
wa ma adraka=and what will explain to you
mahiyah=what it is
Hhamiyah=blazing fiercelywassalamu 3ala mani-ttaba3alhuda
Wa ma adraka ma -lqari3ah.
Yawma yakoonu-nnasu kalfarashi -lmabthooth.
Wa takoonu -ljibalu kal3ihni-lmanfoosh.
Fa amma man thaqulat mawazeenuh.
Fa huwa fee 3eeshatin radhiah.
Wa amma man khaffat mawazeenuh.
Fa ummuhu hawiyah.
Wa ma adraka mahiyah.
Narun Hhamiyah."
Meanings of words:
*I have removed the "al" from the words to give you the meaning of the words themselves.
al-qari3ah = one of the names for the day of Judgement(day of Clamour).
ma-lqari3ah = what is the day of clamour
adraka= do you know(what will explain to you)
yawma= day
yakoonu= will be(masculine)
annasu = the people
ka= as
farash = butterflies(moths)
farashah(one butterfly)
mabthooth =scattered
takoon= will be (feminine)
jibal = mountains
3ihn= wool
manfoosh = carded
fa amma= then he
thaqulat=became heavy
mawazeenuhu=(his) balance
with good deeds.
fa = then
huwa = he
radhia =of pleasure and satisfaction
khaffat=became light(in weight)
ummuhu=his home(ummuhu really means mother,but here it is used to relay this meaning)
hawiyah=bottomless pit
wa ma adraka=and what will explain to you
mahiyah=what it is
Hhamiyah=blazing fiercelywassalamu 3ala mani-ttaba3alhuda
Surat Attakathur
Surah102 Attakathur
Hhatta zurtumu-l-maqabir.
Kal-la sawfa ta3lamoon.
Thumma kal-la sawfa ta3lamoon.
Kal-la law ta3lamoona 3ilm-alyaqeen.
Latarwunna -ljaHheem.
Thumma latarawunnaha 3ayna-lyaqeen.
Thumma latusalunna yawma-ithin 3ani-nna3eem."
1)alhakum=diverted (you all),
(alhaka=diverted you,alhaha=diverted her,alhahum=diverted them,alhan=diverted us).
attakathur=reproduction,multiply,(increase in wealth or children or followers)
zurtum=visited(you all)
(zurna=we visited,zaroo=they visited)
al-maqabir=the graves
3)Kal-la= no(nay)
sawfa= soon
(ta3lameen=you knowfemale,ta3lama=you kniow singular,ta3lamna=you know,female plural)
4)thumma=and then
alyaqeen=truth(beyond doubt)
(la)tarawunna= la is for certainity,tarawunna=see(you all)
tarayna=you see, feminine,tara=see ,singular)
al jaheem=the Hell-Fire
3ayn=eye(with the eye)
(la)tuss-alunna=la is for certainity,tuss-alunna=will be asked,(tuss-alee=you will be asked,feminine,tuss-aloon=you all will be asked,tuss-al=you will be asked,singular).
yawma-ithin=(yawm=day),the two words together =that day.
Hhatta zurtumu-l-maqabir.
Kal-la sawfa ta3lamoon.
Thumma kal-la sawfa ta3lamoon.
Kal-la law ta3lamoona 3ilm-alyaqeen.
Latarwunna -ljaHheem.
Thumma latarawunnaha 3ayna-lyaqeen.
Thumma latusalunna yawma-ithin 3ani-nna3eem."
1)alhakum=diverted (you all),
(alhaka=diverted you,alhaha=diverted her,alhahum=diverted them,alhan=diverted us).
attakathur=reproduction,multiply,(increase in wealth or children or followers)
zurtum=visited(you all)
(zurna=we visited,zaroo=they visited)
al-maqabir=the graves
3)Kal-la= no(nay)
sawfa= soon
(ta3lameen=you knowfemale,ta3lama=you kniow singular,ta3lamna=you know,female plural)
4)thumma=and then
alyaqeen=truth(beyond doubt)
(la)tarawunna= la is for certainity,tarawunna=see(you all)
tarayna=you see, feminine,tara=see ,singular)
al jaheem=the Hell-Fire
3ayn=eye(with the eye)
(la)tuss-alunna=la is for certainity,tuss-alunna=will be asked,(tuss-alee=you will be asked,feminine,tuss-aloon=you all will be asked,tuss-al=you will be asked,singular).
yawma-ithin=(yawm=day),the two words together =that day.
Surat Al3asSr
Surah 103 Al3asSr
"Wa -l3aSsr.
Inna-l-insana lafee khussr.
Illa -llatheena aamanou wa 3amilou-SsaliHhat,
wa tawaSsaw bilHhaqi watawaSsaw biSsabr."
1-wa = the wa of oath
Here Allah is making an oath by something so great that we do not know the value of,He is swearing by the TIME.
*Throughout the Quran Aallah makes oaths by the great things He has created(wa-llayl,wa-DduHha,wa-l3aSsr,wa-nnahar....etc).
2-al3aSsr = Time through the ages or long periods
3-inna =for sure(verily)
4-al-insana= Man
5-lafee=is in
6-khussr= loss
allatheena=those who
aamanou=have faith
assaliHhat=good deeds
wa tawaSsaw= and join together(to advise each other)
bilHhaqi = (mutual enjoining )of Truth
bi-Ssabr= patience
wassalamu 3ala mani-ttaba3alhuda
"Wa -l3aSsr.
Inna-l-insana lafee khussr.
Illa -llatheena aamanou wa 3amilou-SsaliHhat,
wa tawaSsaw bilHhaqi watawaSsaw biSsabr."
1-wa = the wa of oath
Here Allah is making an oath by something so great that we do not know the value of,He is swearing by the TIME.
*Throughout the Quran Aallah makes oaths by the great things He has created(wa-llayl,wa-DduHha,wa-l3aSsr,wa-nnahar....etc).
2-al3aSsr = Time through the ages or long periods
3-inna =for sure(verily)
4-al-insana= Man
5-lafee=is in
6-khussr= loss
allatheena=those who
aamanou=have faith
assaliHhat=good deeds
wa tawaSsaw= and join together(to advise each other)
bilHhaqi = (mutual enjoining )of Truth
bi-Ssabr= patience
wassalamu 3ala mani-ttaba3alhuda
Surat Alhumazah
Sura 104 al-humazah
*please note the number "3" is used instead of the letter "ayn".
Waylul likulli humazatil lumazah.
Allathy jama3a malaw wa 3addadah.
YaHhsabu anna malahu akhladah.
Kalla la yumbathanna fi lHhuTtamah.
Wa ma adraka ma lHhuTtamah.
Naru llahi lmouqadah.
Allaty taTtali3u 3ala l-afidah.
Innaha 3alayhim mouSsaDdah.
Fee 3amadim mumaddadah.
Meanings of words:
Waylun= woe ,but is also a river in Hell called wayl.
*In the transliteration I wrote : waylul, I put an l instead of the n ,because here we must apply the principal of idgham,where if there is an n or tanween followed by a letter of idgham ,we must intone or merge the n with the next letter in this case it is l.
likulli=for every
humazatin= backbiter(when read it alone you pronounce the last n,when it is read with the next word that begins with an idgham letter).
jama3a= collected
malan= money,wealth(also read alone pronouncing the last n,but if followed by a letter of idgham,then it is merged,intoned with the w,so it read malaw wa3addadah).
*3addadah= laying it by(for the future,does he know that he will live that much to spend it???)
yaHhsabu=(he) thinks
anna = that
malahu = his money,malaha(her money),malahum(their money)
akhladah(u) = make him last forever,the u here is for him,but when read at the end of the aya (stoppng)then we do not read the harakat (fatha,Ddammah,and kasrah)
kalla = no
layunbathanna=(he) will be sure to be thrown
here (la) is for assurance, (yu) is indicating him,(anna)also for assurance,the root of the word is nabitha and it means discarded,thrown away.
Al-HhuTtamah=is another name of The Fire,which breaks to pieces
Ma = what
Adrak =realise
Ma adraak=what makes you realise ,or,what will explain to you
Naar(u)= Fire,u is the Ddahmma on top of the r
Almuqadah= kindled,ablaze
when reading this word attached to the word before it,you must not pronounce this first a,for it takes the sound of the last letter in the previous word sio it becomes (narullahi-lmuqaadah)=kindled
Allati=that which(feminine),
TaTtali3u=mounts,reaches,looks into
al-afidah= the hearts
innaha=(feminine) it is,
(innahu)masculine,innahum(masculine plural),innahunna(feminine plural).
3alayhim= on them,
alyhinna(them,feminine,plural),alyhi(masculine singular),alayha(feminine singular).
MouSsadah = sealed(like a vault).
3amad(in)=columns , 3amoud=one column
mumaddadah = outstretched.
wallahu a'alam
*please note the number "3" is used instead of the letter "ayn".
Waylul likulli humazatil lumazah.
Allathy jama3a malaw wa 3addadah.
YaHhsabu anna malahu akhladah.
Kalla la yumbathanna fi lHhuTtamah.
Wa ma adraka ma lHhuTtamah.
Naru llahi lmouqadah.
Allaty taTtali3u 3ala l-afidah.
Innaha 3alayhim mouSsaDdah.
Fee 3amadim mumaddadah.
Meanings of words:
Waylun= woe ,but is also a river in Hell called wayl.
*In the transliteration I wrote : waylul, I put an l instead of the n ,because here we must apply the principal of idgham,where if there is an n or tanween followed by a letter of idgham ,we must intone or merge the n with the next letter in this case it is l.
likulli=for every
humazatin= backbiter(when read it alone you pronounce the last n,when it is read with the next word that begins with an idgham letter).
jama3a= collected
malan= money,wealth(also read alone pronouncing the last n,but if followed by a letter of idgham,then it is merged,intoned with the w,so it read malaw wa3addadah).
*3addadah= laying it by(for the future,does he know that he will live that much to spend it???)
yaHhsabu=(he) thinks
anna = that
malahu = his money,malaha(her money),malahum(their money)
akhladah(u) = make him last forever,the u here is for him,but when read at the end of the aya (stoppng)then we do not read the harakat (fatha,Ddammah,and kasrah)
kalla = no
layunbathanna=(he) will be sure to be thrown
here (la) is for assurance, (yu) is indicating him,(anna)also for assurance,the root of the word is nabitha and it means discarded,thrown away.
Al-HhuTtamah=is another name of The Fire,which breaks to pieces
Ma = what
Adrak =realise
Ma adraak=what makes you realise ,or,what will explain to you
Naar(u)= Fire,u is the Ddahmma on top of the r
Almuqadah= kindled,ablaze
when reading this word attached to the word before it,you must not pronounce this first a,for it takes the sound of the last letter in the previous word sio it becomes (narullahi-lmuqaadah)=kindled
Allati=that which(feminine),
TaTtali3u=mounts,reaches,looks into
al-afidah= the hearts
innaha=(feminine) it is,
(innahu)masculine,innahum(masculine plural),innahunna(feminine plural).
3alayhim= on them,
alyhinna(them,feminine,plural),alyhi(masculine singular),alayha(feminine singular).
MouSsadah = sealed(like a vault).
3amad(in)=columns , 3amoud=one column
mumaddadah = outstretched.
wallahu a'alam
Surat Alfeel
Surat Al-feel:
"Alam tara kayfa fa3al rab'buka bi aSsHhabi-lfeel.
Alam yaj3al kaydahum fee taDdleel.
Wa arsala 3alayhim Ttayran ababeel.
Tarmeehim biHhijaratin' min' sejeel.
Fa ja3alahum ka3aSsfi-mma'kool."
Alam = haven't(did you not)
tara = see(you,masculine,singular),
*tarayn(feminine,singular),tarawn(masculine plural).
kayf = how (the "a" at the end of the word is fatha to move the "f" when read in a sentence).
fa3ala =done(he),
*fa3alat(she),fa3aloo(they,masculine) fa3lna(they,feminine).
rabb(uka)=(your) Lord
*rabb=lord,"u" Ddammah on top of the "b",k=your,the "a" is the fatHha on top of the "k".
bi =with
aSsHhab(i) = companions(owners) ,the "i" is the kasrah under "b"
*SsaHhiba(feminine singular),SsaHhib(masculine singular),SsaHhibat(feminine plural)
-lfeel= the elephant
alam = did not
yaj3al = make
*the prefix "ya" is a pronoun added to a verb to show the present time
kayda(hum)=treacherous (plan),hum =theirs
fee =in
taDdleel =go astray
arsala = sent(He)
*arsalat(she sent),arsalou(they sent,M),arsalana(they sent,F),arsaltu(I sent)
3layhim = against (them)
Ttayr(an) =bird,
ababeel = here it means flights of birds
tarmee(him) =throwing(them)
Hhijara(tin) =stones,"tin" is the two kasrahs under the letter "t".
*notice here the tajweed rule of "ikhfaa" ,we read "tin' min' "without letting the tongue touch the palate for the "n".(see the tajweed lessons).
min =of
sijeel= baked clay
fa =so
ja3ala(hum)= did He make (them)
ka = as
3aSsfin'= field of stalks and straw
*here notice the "idgham" with "n" and "m" in the next word so it becomes 3aSsfim-ma'koul.
ma'akoul=eaten up
"Alam tara kayfa fa3al rab'buka bi aSsHhabi-lfeel.
Alam yaj3al kaydahum fee taDdleel.
Wa arsala 3alayhim Ttayran ababeel.
Tarmeehim biHhijaratin' min' sejeel.
Fa ja3alahum ka3aSsfi-mma'kool."
Alam = haven't(did you not)
tara = see(you,masculine,singular),
*tarayn(feminine,singular),tarawn(masculine plural).
kayf = how (the "a" at the end of the word is fatha to move the "f" when read in a sentence).
fa3ala =done(he),
*fa3alat(she),fa3aloo(they,masculine) fa3lna(they,feminine).
rabb(uka)=(your) Lord
*rabb=lord,"u" Ddammah on top of the "b",k=your,the "a" is the fatHha on top of the "k".
bi =with
aSsHhab(i) = companions(owners) ,the "i" is the kasrah under "b"
*SsaHhiba(feminine singular),SsaHhib(masculine singular),SsaHhibat(feminine plural)
-lfeel= the elephant
alam = did not
yaj3al = make
*the prefix "ya" is a pronoun added to a verb to show the present time
kayda(hum)=treacherous (plan),hum =theirs
fee =in
taDdleel =go astray
arsala = sent(He)
*arsalat(she sent),arsalou(they sent,M),arsalana(they sent,F),arsaltu(I sent)
3layhim = against (them)
Ttayr(an) =bird,
ababeel = here it means flights of birds
tarmee(him) =throwing(them)
Hhijara(tin) =stones,"tin" is the two kasrahs under the letter "t".
*notice here the tajweed rule of "ikhfaa" ,we read "tin' min' "without letting the tongue touch the palate for the "n".(see the tajweed lessons).
min =of
sijeel= baked clay
fa =so
ja3ala(hum)= did He make (them)
ka = as
3aSsfin'= field of stalks and straw
*here notice the "idgham" with "n" and "m" in the next word so it becomes 3aSsfim-ma'koul.
ma'akoul=eaten up
Surat Quraish
"Li-eelafi Quraish.
Eelafihim riHhlata-shitaa'ee wa-Ssayf.
Falya3budou rabba hathah -lbayt.
Allathy aTt3amahum min* jou3in wa amanahum min khawf."
**I have used the number 3 to indicate the letter"ayn" since it is used so often.
li = for
eelaf =familiarity,(the "i" at the end of elafi is the kasrah under the "f")
Quraish = noblest tribe of Arabia(to which belonged the holy prophet himself).
eelafihim = eelaf is familiarity ("him" means their)
riHhlah = journey(again we read it riHhlata because we did not read it alone in the ayah it is added to the next word so we say riHhlata-shitaa-ee)
shitaa-ee = winter(notice here the aleph at the end of shitaa it is elongated,and you can see the sign~ on top of it in the quran,indicating the elongation)the "ee" is the sound of the"hamza" at the end of the word with the sound of the "kasrah".
wa =and
Ssayf = summer(notice although there is an al at tyhe beginning of shitaa-ee and the beginning of Ssayf,we do not pronounce them since they(sh,and the Ss) are shamsiyah letters).
fa =so
lya3budou = let them worship:
the added "l" at the beginning of the word is "let",
(3abada=worshipped)ya'bud =worshipping(he is),the added "ou" is for "them").
rabba =lord
hatha = this
albayt = (the) house
allathi =(he) who,(allati)=(she) who,(allatheen)=(those)who.
aTt3amahum = fed them(aTt3am=fed,"hum"=them).
min =from(against)
jou3in = (jou3) hunger,"in" is to read the two kasrahs under the letter"3".
wa = and
aamanahum = gives them security(aa,at the beginning is hamza with a maddah~,here it is He is who)
min = of
khawf = fear
"Li-eelafi Quraish.
Eelafihim riHhlata-shitaa'ee wa-Ssayf.
Falya3budou rabba hathah -lbayt.
Allathy aTt3amahum min* jou3in wa amanahum min khawf."
**I have used the number 3 to indicate the letter"ayn" since it is used so often.
li = for
eelaf =familiarity,(the "i" at the end of elafi is the kasrah under the "f")
Quraish = noblest tribe of Arabia(to which belonged the holy prophet himself).
eelafihim = eelaf is familiarity ("him" means their)
riHhlah = journey(again we read it riHhlata because we did not read it alone in the ayah it is added to the next word so we say riHhlata-shitaa-ee)
shitaa-ee = winter(notice here the aleph at the end of shitaa it is elongated,and you can see the sign~ on top of it in the quran,indicating the elongation)the "ee" is the sound of the"hamza" at the end of the word with the sound of the "kasrah".
wa =and
Ssayf = summer(notice although there is an al at tyhe beginning of shitaa-ee and the beginning of Ssayf,we do not pronounce them since they(sh,and the Ss) are shamsiyah letters).
fa =so
lya3budou = let them worship:
the added "l" at the beginning of the word is "let",
(3abada=worshipped)ya'bud =worshipping(he is),the added "ou" is for "them").
rabba =lord
hatha = this
albayt = (the) house
allathi =(he) who,(allati)=(she) who,(allatheen)=(those)who.
aTt3amahum = fed them(aTt3am=fed,"hum"=them).
min =from(against)
jou3in = (jou3) hunger,"in" is to read the two kasrahs under the letter"3".
wa = and
aamanahum = gives them security(aa,at the beginning is hamza with a maddah~,here it is He is who)
min = of
khawf = fear
Surat Alma3oon
Sura107 Al-maoun:
Ara-ayta llathi yukath~ibu biddeen.
Fa thalika llathi yadou-lyateem.
Wa la yaHhuDdu aala Ttaami-lmiskeen.
Fa waylun lilmuSsalleen.
Allatheena hum aan Ssalatihim sahoon.
Allathena hum yura-ouna ,wayamnaouna almaoun.
Meanings of words:
1)Ara-ayta = did you see
*(ra-a means he saw,ra-at =she saw,ra-aw =they saw,ra-ayna=we saw, ra-ayta=I saw,or you sawetc)
*(a at the beginning of the word ara-ayta is a letter used for questioning,here meaning did).
llathi = it originally is allathi but because there is a fatha at the end of ara-ayta and the a at the beginning of allathi is aleph waSsl we do not pronounce it.
yukath~bu = denies (disbelieves), past tense kath~ba=denied, I deny=ukath~bu.
*I am using this sign ~ instead of an arabic sign called shadda,this shadda means that the letter is repeated twice once silent with a sukoon on top and tha other moving with fatha or Ddammah or kasrah on top,so when the l;etter is read it has to sound like two letters(as t in letter.)
bi= in
-ddeen =religion , in thus case it is the Day of Judgement.
2)Fa =so
thalika = that one
yadou = repulses
lyateem = the orphan , yateem =orphan, al= the(but here we do not read it alyateem when read with the previous word).
3)wa = and
la = does not
yaHhuDdu =encourage
aala =on(to)
Ttaam= food
ilmiskeen=the indigent(poor and needy)
4)fa =so
waylun =wayl is the name of a river in Hell(un is the sound of the two Ddammas on top of the l)
li = for(to)
-lmuSsalleen = those who pray
5)hum =who
aan = of (from)
Ssalatihim = their prayer
Sahoon = neglectful
6)yura-oun = showing off(praying or doing good deeds to show that they are pious)
7)wa = and
yamnaoun =refuse to give
al-maoun =help or aid to neighbors
Ara-ayta llathi yukath~ibu biddeen.
Fa thalika llathi yadou-lyateem.
Wa la yaHhuDdu aala Ttaami-lmiskeen.
Fa waylun lilmuSsalleen.
Allatheena hum aan Ssalatihim sahoon.
Allathena hum yura-ouna ,wayamnaouna almaoun.
Meanings of words:
1)Ara-ayta = did you see
*(ra-a means he saw,ra-at =she saw,ra-aw =they saw,ra-ayna=we saw, ra-ayta=I saw,or you sawetc)
*(a at the beginning of the word ara-ayta is a letter used for questioning,here meaning did).
llathi = it originally is allathi but because there is a fatha at the end of ara-ayta and the a at the beginning of allathi is aleph waSsl we do not pronounce it.
yukath~bu = denies (disbelieves), past tense kath~ba=denied, I deny=ukath~bu.
*I am using this sign ~ instead of an arabic sign called shadda,this shadda means that the letter is repeated twice once silent with a sukoon on top and tha other moving with fatha or Ddammah or kasrah on top,so when the l;etter is read it has to sound like two letters(as t in letter.)
bi= in
-ddeen =religion , in thus case it is the Day of Judgement.
2)Fa =so
thalika = that one
yadou = repulses
lyateem = the orphan , yateem =orphan, al= the(but here we do not read it alyateem when read with the previous word).
3)wa = and
la = does not
yaHhuDdu =encourage
aala =on(to)
Ttaam= food
ilmiskeen=the indigent(poor and needy)
4)fa =so
waylun =wayl is the name of a river in Hell(un is the sound of the two Ddammas on top of the l)
li = for(to)
-lmuSsalleen = those who pray
5)hum =who
aan = of (from)
Ssalatihim = their prayer
Sahoon = neglectful
6)yura-oun = showing off(praying or doing good deeds to show that they are pious)
7)wa = and
yamnaoun =refuse to give
al-maoun =help or aid to neighbors
Surat Alkawthar
"Innaa a'aTtaynaka alkawthar.
Fa Ssalli li rabbika wan-Hhar.
Inna shani-aka huwal-abtar."
1)Innaa=We have
(I added an extra "a" at the end of the word indicating what is called"madd",which means elongating the aleph at the end,so it sounds like two aa's which is indicated by a crooked line on top of the aleph which is the "madd' sign).
2)a'aTtaynak = given you
a'aTtaynakum(given you P.M.),a'aTtaynahum(given them M.)
a'ataynaki(singular feminine),a'aTtaynahunna(given them F.)
3)al-kawthar = the name of a river in heaven(or fountain)which Allah has promised the prophet (sala Allahu alyhi wasallam).
*again notice here that in the reading of the ayah we read it
-lkawthar,because of the lam shamsiyah.
4) fa = so
5)Ssalli= pray
6)li =to
7)rabbika =your Lord(rabb=Lord,ka=pronoun ,your,rabbikum=your Lord M.P.)
(8) InHhar = sacrifice(again we read it wa-nHhar,because here we have what is called aleph mawsoolah,meaning connected so we do not sound the "a" we just connect it to the preceding letter in this case
"wa-nHhar",unlike the one that has a hamza on top which must be read "a" as in apple such as "antum" in surat alkafiroon ayah (5).
9)inna = it is
10) shani-aka =(your,"ka")hater
11)huwa =he
12)al-abtar = cut off(again notice here the "al" at the beginning of the word is al-shamsiyah so when it read in the middle of a sentence we do not pronounce the "a").
wallahu a'alam
"Innaa a'aTtaynaka alkawthar.
Fa Ssalli li rabbika wan-Hhar.
Inna shani-aka huwal-abtar."
1)Innaa=We have
(I added an extra "a" at the end of the word indicating what is called"madd",which means elongating the aleph at the end,so it sounds like two aa's which is indicated by a crooked line on top of the aleph which is the "madd' sign).
2)a'aTtaynak = given you
a'aTtaynakum(given you P.M.),a'aTtaynahum(given them M.)
a'ataynaki(singular feminine),a'aTtaynahunna(given them F.)
3)al-kawthar = the name of a river in heaven(or fountain)which Allah has promised the prophet (sala Allahu alyhi wasallam).
*again notice here that in the reading of the ayah we read it
-lkawthar,because of the lam shamsiyah.
4) fa = so
5)Ssalli= pray
6)li =to
7)rabbika =your Lord(rabb=Lord,ka=pronoun ,your,rabbikum=your Lord M.P.)
(8) InHhar = sacrifice(again we read it wa-nHhar,because here we have what is called aleph mawsoolah,meaning connected so we do not sound the "a" we just connect it to the preceding letter in this case
"wa-nHhar",unlike the one that has a hamza on top which must be read "a" as in apple such as "antum" in surat alkafiroon ayah (5).
9)inna = it is
10) shani-aka =(your,"ka")hater
11)huwa =he
12)al-abtar = cut off(again notice here the "al" at the beginning of the word is al-shamsiyah so when it read in the middle of a sentence we do not pronounce the "a").
wallahu a'alam
Surat Alkafiroon
"Qul ya ayuha-lkafiroon.
La a'abudu mata'abudoon.
Wa la antum a'abidoona ma a'abud.
Wa la ana a'abidum ma a'abadtum.
Wa la antum a'abidoona ma a'abud.
Lakum deenukum wa liya deen."
Qul = say
ya = O
ayuha = a word used for calling(you that...)for masculine and for plural,for feminine we say: "ayatuha".
al-kafiroon = people rejecting faith(masculine),feminine would
be :"kafirat".
la =no(not)
a'abudu = (I)worship,(you,she)worship:ta'abud,(we)worship:na'abud
ma = what(that)
ta'abudoon = (You plural)worship,present tense.
wa =and
la = not
antum =you(plural masculine),anti(you,feminine),anta(you,masculine),antunna(you,feminine plural)
a'abidoon = worship(masculine plural future tense,will you worship)
a'abidun = worship(future-will I worship)
a'abadtum = you have worshipped(past masculine plural)
lakum = to you,lana(ours),lahum(theirs),laka(yours,singular masculine)laki,(yours,feminine),laha(hers),lahunna(theirs,feminine plural)
deenukum =(your)religion
liya = to me (mine)
deeni=my religion
**It is advisable to read this surah every night before one retires to sleep.
"Qul ya ayuha-lkafiroon.
La a'abudu mata'abudoon.
Wa la antum a'abidoona ma a'abud.
Wa la ana a'abidum ma a'abadtum.
Wa la antum a'abidoona ma a'abud.
Lakum deenukum wa liya deen."
Qul = say
ya = O
ayuha = a word used for calling(you that...)for masculine and for plural,for feminine we say: "ayatuha".
al-kafiroon = people rejecting faith(masculine),feminine would
be :"kafirat".
la =no(not)
a'abudu = (I)worship,(you,she)worship:ta'abud,(we)worship:na'abud
ma = what(that)
ta'abudoon = (You plural)worship,present tense.
wa =and
la = not
antum =you(plural masculine),anti(you,feminine),anta(you,masculine),antunna(you,feminine plural)
a'abidoon = worship(masculine plural future tense,will you worship)
a'abidun = worship(future-will I worship)
a'abadtum = you have worshipped(past masculine plural)
lakum = to you,lana(ours),lahum(theirs),laka(yours,singular masculine)laki,(yours,feminine),laha(hers),lahunna(theirs,feminine plural)
deenukum =(your)religion
liya = to me (mine)
deeni=my religion
**It is advisable to read this surah every night before one retires to sleep.
Surat AnnasSr
Sura 111:AL-NASSR:
This surah was the last to be revealed (as a whole sura),although the aya :"This day I have perfected your religion for you...." are the last words of the quran to revealed.
"Itha ja-a* naSsru-llahi walfat-Hh . Wa ra ayta-nnassa yadkhuloona fee deeni-llahi afwaja.
Fa sab-biHh biHhamdi rabbika wastaghfirh.
Innahu kana tawwaba."
itha = if
ja-a = came(he),ja-at(she came),ja-ou(they came),ji'-na(we came)
naSsr = victory(here it means Allah's help)
-llahi = Allahi,but when we read it together with naSsr it becomes "naSSru-llahi" the letter "A" is silent .
al-fatHh = victory(also opening)
also read -lfatHh,because of the word "wa" so the "al" which is (alshamsiyah)is not sounded,you can go back to arabic language pointers to understand more about this).
ra-ayta =(you) saw,
ra-ayti(you saw,F.,S.),ra-aytum(you saw M.,P.),ra-aytunna(you saw F.,P.),ra-aw(they saw),ra-ayna(we saw).
-nnasa= people
yadkhuloon = (they)enter(M.P.) ,tadkhuloon(you enter P.),tadkhul(you enter,S.M.),tadkhuli(you enter,F.S.)
fee= in
deen= religion
-llahi-(of)Allah,Allah's religion
afwaja =crowds
fa =then
sabbiHh =celebrate the praises(saying "subhanallah")
Hhamd=thanks and praises
rabbika= your Lord
istaghfirhu = ask for His forgiveness(saying :"astaghfirullah")
innahu =He was
kana= was
tawaba= Oft-returning(in forgiveness)
1-Here I would like you to notice something concerning the reading of the fatha and Ddammah and kasrah,if you stop at the end of an aya the letter does not have to be read with the vowel,example:
Al-fat-Hhu(the last word in the first aya)is written with a Ddammah on top of the Hh,so it is read fat-Hhu,but when we stop at the word itself we read it "fat-Hh" no "u",the Ddammah is nullified,if however you plan to read the first two ayas non-stop,that is without stopping at fatHh,then it is read like this:
"Itha ja a naSsru-llahi wal-fatHhu wara ayta-nnasa ...etc"
so the same with the other words at the end of any ayah,if you want to stop,then there is no vowel sound.
2-Also the two fatHhas on top of the letter "a" in the word "afwaja",if we are reading the next ayah as well without stopping we will sound the two fatHhas and it will be "afwajan",if we stop at the word itself then we say "afwaja",withouit sounding the vowels.
It will be read thus if we do not stop:
"fee deen-llahi afwajan fa sabbiHh biHhamdi....etc"
3-ja a* = the last a should be read like "a" in 'apple'
The date of the sura was only a few months before the passing away of the prophet (sala Allahu alyhi wasallam).
"When comes the Help of Allah and the victory,and thou dost see the
People enter Allah's religion in crowds":
The prophet migrated to Madinah,a persecuted man.In madinah all the forces of truth and righteousness rallied around him,and the efforts by the Makkans and their confederates to destroy him and his community recoiled on their own heads.Graduallay all the outlying parts of Arabia ranged themselves round his standard and the bloodless conquest of makkah was the crown and prize of his patience and endeavour.
Every man should humble himself before Allah,confess his human frailties and seek Alllah's grace,attributing any success that he gets in his work,not to his own merits but to the goodness and mercy of Allah.
wallahu a'alam
This surah was the last to be revealed (as a whole sura),although the aya :"This day I have perfected your religion for you...." are the last words of the quran to revealed.
"Itha ja-a* naSsru-llahi walfat-Hh . Wa ra ayta-nnassa yadkhuloona fee deeni-llahi afwaja.
Fa sab-biHh biHhamdi rabbika wastaghfirh.
Innahu kana tawwaba."
itha = if
ja-a = came(he),ja-at(she came),ja-ou(they came),ji'-na(we came)
naSsr = victory(here it means Allah's help)
-llahi = Allahi,but when we read it together with naSsr it becomes "naSSru-llahi" the letter "A" is silent .
al-fatHh = victory(also opening)
also read -lfatHh,because of the word "wa" so the "al" which is (alshamsiyah)is not sounded,you can go back to arabic language pointers to understand more about this).
ra-ayta =(you) saw,
ra-ayti(you saw,F.,S.),ra-aytum(you saw M.,P.),ra-aytunna(you saw F.,P.),ra-aw(they saw),ra-ayna(we saw).
-nnasa= people
yadkhuloon = (they)enter(M.P.) ,tadkhuloon(you enter P.),tadkhul(you enter,S.M.),tadkhuli(you enter,F.S.)
fee= in
deen= religion
-llahi-(of)Allah,Allah's religion
afwaja =crowds
fa =then
sabbiHh =celebrate the praises(saying "subhanallah")
Hhamd=thanks and praises
rabbika= your Lord
istaghfirhu = ask for His forgiveness(saying :"astaghfirullah")
innahu =He was
kana= was
tawaba= Oft-returning(in forgiveness)
1-Here I would like you to notice something concerning the reading of the fatha and Ddammah and kasrah,if you stop at the end of an aya the letter does not have to be read with the vowel,example:
Al-fat-Hhu(the last word in the first aya)is written with a Ddammah on top of the Hh,so it is read fat-Hhu,but when we stop at the word itself we read it "fat-Hh" no "u",the Ddammah is nullified,if however you plan to read the first two ayas non-stop,that is without stopping at fatHh,then it is read like this:
"Itha ja a naSsru-llahi wal-fatHhu wara ayta-nnasa ...etc"
so the same with the other words at the end of any ayah,if you want to stop,then there is no vowel sound.
2-Also the two fatHhas on top of the letter "a" in the word "afwaja",if we are reading the next ayah as well without stopping we will sound the two fatHhas and it will be "afwajan",if we stop at the word itself then we say "afwaja",withouit sounding the vowels.
It will be read thus if we do not stop:
"fee deen-llahi afwajan fa sabbiHh biHhamdi....etc"
3-ja a* = the last a should be read like "a" in 'apple'
The date of the sura was only a few months before the passing away of the prophet (sala Allahu alyhi wasallam).
"When comes the Help of Allah and the victory,and thou dost see the
People enter Allah's religion in crowds":
The prophet migrated to Madinah,a persecuted man.In madinah all the forces of truth and righteousness rallied around him,and the efforts by the Makkans and their confederates to destroy him and his community recoiled on their own heads.Graduallay all the outlying parts of Arabia ranged themselves round his standard and the bloodless conquest of makkah was the crown and prize of his patience and endeavour.
Every man should humble himself before Allah,confess his human frailties and seek Alllah's grace,attributing any success that he gets in his work,not to his own merits but to the goodness and mercy of Allah.
wallahu a'alam
Surat Almassad
Surat 112:
Surat Al-masad:
Al-lahab,or the flame,Abu lahab,father of flame,is the nick-name of one of the prophet sala Allahu ayhi wasalams uncles.He was named so after his hot fiery temper and his ruddy complexion.
Abu lahabs wife was a woman of equally passionate spite and cruelty against the the person of the holy prophet.She used to tie bundles of thorns with ropes and twisted palm-leaf fiber and strew themin about on dark nights in the paths which the prophet was expected to take,in order to cause him bodily injury.
Tabbat yada abee lahabin watabb.
Ma aghna anhu maluhu wa ma kasab.
Sa yaSsla naran thata lahab .
Wa-mra-atuhu Hhammalata-haTtab.
Fee jeediha Hhablun min masad.
Meanings of the words:
-tabbat = perish(she or in this case the two hands)
-yada = two hands(yad = one hand)
-abee =father(of)
-lahab = flame (here we read it lahabin,because there are two kasrahs under the b)
-wa =and
-tabb = perish(he)
-ma= not
-aghna = profit
-anhu = to him
-maluhu = his money (wealth)
-ma = that(this one is different then the one before aghna)
-kasab = (he)gained
-sa yaSsla =he will burn
-nar = Fire(added to it was an also because there are two kasrahs under the letter r)
-thata =of (feminine,the masculine is thu)
-laahb = flame
-mra-atuhu = it is written imra-atuhu (but because there is a wa before it we merge the a of wa with the I of imra-ah,which means woman) ,when we add tuhu then it means his wife.
-Hhammalah = carrier(feminine), (we added the ata because of the reading to be merged to the next word.).
-alhaTtab = wood
-fee = in (around)
-jeed = neck (ha is added to make it her neck,his neck would be jeedahu)
-Hhabl(un) = (twisted)rope
-min = of
masad = (of) palm leaf fibre
Surat Al-masad:
Al-lahab,or the flame,Abu lahab,father of flame,is the nick-name of one of the prophet sala Allahu ayhi wasalams uncles.He was named so after his hot fiery temper and his ruddy complexion.
Abu lahabs wife was a woman of equally passionate spite and cruelty against the the person of the holy prophet.She used to tie bundles of thorns with ropes and twisted palm-leaf fiber and strew themin about on dark nights in the paths which the prophet was expected to take,in order to cause him bodily injury.
Tabbat yada abee lahabin watabb.
Ma aghna anhu maluhu wa ma kasab.
Sa yaSsla naran thata lahab .
Wa-mra-atuhu Hhammalata-haTtab.
Fee jeediha Hhablun min masad.
Meanings of the words:
-tabbat = perish(she or in this case the two hands)
-yada = two hands(yad = one hand)
-abee =father(of)
-lahab = flame (here we read it lahabin,because there are two kasrahs under the b)
-wa =and
-tabb = perish(he)
-ma= not
-aghna = profit
-anhu = to him
-maluhu = his money (wealth)
-ma = that(this one is different then the one before aghna)
-kasab = (he)gained
-sa yaSsla =he will burn
-nar = Fire(added to it was an also because there are two kasrahs under the letter r)
-thata =of (feminine,the masculine is thu)
-laahb = flame
-mra-atuhu = it is written imra-atuhu (but because there is a wa before it we merge the a of wa with the I of imra-ah,which means woman) ,when we add tuhu then it means his wife.
-Hhammalah = carrier(feminine), (we added the ata because of the reading to be merged to the next word.).
-alhaTtab = wood
-fee = in (around)
-jeed = neck (ha is added to make it her neck,his neck would be jeedahu)
-Hhabl(un) = (twisted)rope
-min = of
masad = (of) palm leaf fibre
Surat AlikhlasS
Surat Al-Ikhlass or purity of faith:
*Here we are taught to avoid the pitfalls in which men and nations have fallen at various times in trying to understand Allah.
Bismillahi rrahmani-rraheem
Qul huwa llahu ahad.
Lam yalid walam youlad.
Wa lam yakun lahu kufuwan ahad.
Meanings of words:
-Qul = say (O Muhammad)
-huwa = He
-llahu= Allah(I wrote a hyphen instead of the a because it has to be read this way to be joined to huwa,this is called idgham in the art of reading the quran.)
-ahad = The One
-Ssamad= the Eternal,the Absolute
-lam = not
-yalid= beget(a son)
-wa= and
-youlad = begotten
-yakun= was
-lahu=unto Him
-kufuwan= kufuu equal,or like (an is added as two fat-has on the last letter a of the word).
-Ahad= one
*1)The first thing we learn is that Allahs nature is so sublime,so far beyond our limited conceptions.The best way that we can realise Him is to feel that He is a personality,and not a mere abstract conception of philosophy.He is near us,cares for us,we owe our existence to Him.
2) He is the One and only God ,the only One to whom worship is due.
All other beings or things that we can think of are His creatures and in no way comparable to Him.
3)He is eternal,without beginning or end,absoulte,not limited by space nor circumstance,the Reality.
4)We must not think of Him as having a son or a father,for that would be to import animal qualities into our conception of Him.
5)He is not like any other person or thing that we know or can imagine.His qualities and nature are unique.
wallahu a'alam
*Here we are taught to avoid the pitfalls in which men and nations have fallen at various times in trying to understand Allah.
Bismillahi rrahmani-rraheem
Qul huwa llahu ahad.
Lam yalid walam youlad.
Wa lam yakun lahu kufuwan ahad.
Meanings of words:
-Qul = say (O Muhammad)
-huwa = He
-llahu= Allah(I wrote a hyphen instead of the a because it has to be read this way to be joined to huwa,this is called idgham in the art of reading the quran.)
-ahad = The One
-Ssamad= the Eternal,the Absolute
-lam = not
-yalid= beget(a son)
-wa= and
-youlad = begotten
-yakun= was
-lahu=unto Him
-kufuwan= kufuu equal,or like (an is added as two fat-has on the last letter a of the word).
-Ahad= one
*1)The first thing we learn is that Allahs nature is so sublime,so far beyond our limited conceptions.The best way that we can realise Him is to feel that He is a personality,and not a mere abstract conception of philosophy.He is near us,cares for us,we owe our existence to Him.
2) He is the One and only God ,the only One to whom worship is due.
All other beings or things that we can think of are His creatures and in no way comparable to Him.
3)He is eternal,without beginning or end,absoulte,not limited by space nor circumstance,the Reality.
4)We must not think of Him as having a son or a father,for that would be to import animal qualities into our conception of Him.
5)He is not like any other person or thing that we know or can imagine.His qualities and nature are unique.
wallahu a'alam
Surat Alfalaq
"Qul a'outhu bi rabbi-lfalaq.
Min sharri ma khalaq.
wa min sharri ghasiqin itha waqab.
wa min sharri-nnafathaty fi-l'uqad
Wa min sharri Hhassidin itha Hhassad."
Meanings of words:
-Qul = say
-a'outhu= I seek refuge
-bi = with
-rabb = Lord
-al-falaq = dawn
-min = from
-sharr = evil(mischief)
-ma = of what
-khalaq = (He) created
-ghasiqin =darkness
-itha = as(it)
-waqab = spreads
-naffathat= those who blow(witches)
-fi= in(here it is understood as on)
-al'ouqad= the knots
-Hhassid =the envious one
-hhassad = practices envy
*our trust in Allah is the refuge from every kind of fear and superstition,every kind of danger and evil.Three special kinds of mischief are specified in these verses,
Against which our best guard is our trust in Allah,the Light of the heavens and the earth:
1)physical dangers typified by darkness.
2)physical dangers within us,typified by secret arts.
3)physical dangers from without us,resulting from a perverted will,which seeks to destroy any good that we enjoy.
wallahu a'alam
"Qul a'outhu bi rabbi-lfalaq.
Min sharri ma khalaq.
wa min sharri ghasiqin itha waqab.
wa min sharri-nnafathaty fi-l'uqad
Wa min sharri Hhassidin itha Hhassad."
Meanings of words:
-Qul = say
-a'outhu= I seek refuge
-bi = with
-rabb = Lord
-al-falaq = dawn
-min = from
-sharr = evil(mischief)
-ma = of what
-khalaq = (He) created
-ghasiqin =darkness
-itha = as(it)
-waqab = spreads
-naffathat= those who blow(witches)
-fi= in(here it is understood as on)
-al'ouqad= the knots
-Hhassid =the envious one
-hhassad = practices envy
*our trust in Allah is the refuge from every kind of fear and superstition,every kind of danger and evil.Three special kinds of mischief are specified in these verses,
Against which our best guard is our trust in Allah,the Light of the heavens and the earth:
1)physical dangers typified by darkness.
2)physical dangers within us,typified by secret arts.
3)physical dangers from without us,resulting from a perverted will,which seeks to destroy any good that we enjoy.
wallahu a'alam
Surat Annass
Assalamu alykum warahamatullahi wabarakatu
I am starting from the last suras ,because they are used in salat and are short and easier to learn by heart.
This early Makkan surah concludes the quran,in it is an appeal to trust Allah rather than in man,warning us especially about the whispers of the shaytan within our hearts.
This sura is one of two,called :"Al-mu'awithatayn",the other being Alfalaq.These two suras are read for seeking refuge in Allah subhanhu wata'ala.
*They should be read after every salat,plus ayat al-kursi(ayah 255)in surah2(al-baqarah),then one blows in his hands and wipes his face and whatever one can from the body.
Qul aouthu birabbi-nnass.
Min sharril-wasswass-ilkhannass,
Allathi yu-wass wissu fee sudoorinnass.
Mina-aljinnati wannass.
Meanings of words:
-Qul =say
-aouthu =I seek refuge
here the source of the verb aouthu is aatha.
-bi =with
-rabb=the Lord and Cherisher
*we read it : rabbi-nnass,because there is a kasrah under the b in rabb.
-malik = The king(ruler)
-ilah =the god(judge)
-min =from
-khannass= who withdraws
-allathi= he who
- yu-wass-wissu=whispers
*this word is the verb for the noun (wass-wass)
al-jinnati=the jinns
*Evil insinuates itself in all sorts of insidious ways from within to sap man's will,which was given to him by Allah.
This power of evil maybe Satan,or evil men,or the evil inclinations within man's own will.For there are 'evil ones' among men and jinns,inspiring each other with flowery discourses by the way of deception.They secretly whisper evil,then withdraw,to make their net the more subtle and alluring.
In arabic the verbs and the subject could be in one word,for example the verb "kataba"(to write):
(ana) aktubu = I write
Huwa yaktubu =he writes
hiya taktubu = she writes
(hum) yaktuboun =they (male)write
*All I need to say is :
"aktubu",and the it understood right away that I write,no need for I ,because of the "a" at the beginning of the verb.
*also "yaktubu" =(he) writes,and without saying 'he' all I need to say is yaktubu,so you know from the "y" that it is he who is writing.
* "taktubu" =she writes....etc
So here (a'outhu) the "a" is for "I".
2)seek refuge is all in one word,there is no exact english word for this meaning,so we need the two.
I am starting from the last suras ,because they are used in salat and are short and easier to learn by heart.
This early Makkan surah concludes the quran,in it is an appeal to trust Allah rather than in man,warning us especially about the whispers of the shaytan within our hearts.
This sura is one of two,called :"Al-mu'awithatayn",the other being Alfalaq.These two suras are read for seeking refuge in Allah subhanhu wata'ala.
*They should be read after every salat,plus ayat al-kursi(ayah 255)in surah2(al-baqarah),then one blows in his hands and wipes his face and whatever one can from the body.
Qul aouthu birabbi-nnass.
Min sharril-wasswass-ilkhannass,
Allathi yu-wass wissu fee sudoorinnass.
Mina-aljinnati wannass.
Meanings of words:
-Qul =say
-aouthu =I seek refuge
here the source of the verb aouthu is aatha.
-bi =with
-rabb=the Lord and Cherisher
*we read it : rabbi-nnass,because there is a kasrah under the b in rabb.
-malik = The king(ruler)
-ilah =the god(judge)
-min =from
-khannass= who withdraws
-allathi= he who
- yu-wass-wissu=whispers
*this word is the verb for the noun (wass-wass)
al-jinnati=the jinns
*Evil insinuates itself in all sorts of insidious ways from within to sap man's will,which was given to him by Allah.
This power of evil maybe Satan,or evil men,or the evil inclinations within man's own will.For there are 'evil ones' among men and jinns,inspiring each other with flowery discourses by the way of deception.They secretly whisper evil,then withdraw,to make their net the more subtle and alluring.
In arabic the verbs and the subject could be in one word,for example the verb "kataba"(to write):
(ana) aktubu = I write
Huwa yaktubu =he writes
hiya taktubu = she writes
(hum) yaktuboun =they (male)write
*All I need to say is :
"aktubu",and the it understood right away that I write,no need for I ,because of the "a" at the beginning of the verb.
*also "yaktubu" =(he) writes,and without saying 'he' all I need to say is yaktubu,so you know from the "y" that it is he who is writing.
* "taktubu" =she writes....etc
So here (a'outhu) the "a" is for "I".
2)seek refuge is all in one word,there is no exact english word for this meaning,so we need the two.
Learning Arabic from the Quran
Assalamu alykum warahamatullahi wabarakatuh
Yes,quran is the best source of perfect Arabic,so learn from it.
The ones who come here will notice that I have broken up the arabic words in the quranic verses to help those who don't know arabic accumulate as many new words as possible,also when it comes to conjugation of the verbs,I add different persons ,so you will be able to use the verbs in your everyday use.
(I had another discussion board with all this and now I am saving my work in this blog).
Yes,quran is the best source of perfect Arabic,so learn from it.
The ones who come here will notice that I have broken up the arabic words in the quranic verses to help those who don't know arabic accumulate as many new words as possible,also when it comes to conjugation of the verbs,I add different persons ,so you will be able to use the verbs in your everyday use.
(I had another discussion board with all this and now I am saving my work in this blog).
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