Friday, October 24, 2008

Surat Alqari3ah

Surah101 Alqari3ah
Wa ma adraka ma -lqari3ah.
Yawma yakoonu-nnasu kalfarashi -lmabthooth.
Wa takoonu -ljibalu kal3ihni-lmanfoosh.
Fa amma man thaqulat mawazeenuh.
Fa huwa fee 3eeshatin radhiah.
Wa amma man khaffat mawazeenuh.
Fa ummuhu hawiyah.
Wa ma adraka mahiyah.
Narun Hhamiyah."

Meanings of words:
*I have removed the "al" from the words to give you the meaning of the words themselves.

al-qari3ah = one of the names for the day of Judgement(day of Clamour).

ma-lqari3ah = what is the day of clamour


adraka= do you know(what will explain to you)

yawma= day

yakoonu= will be(masculine)

annasu = the people

ka= as

farash = butterflies(moths)
farashah(one butterfly)

mabthooth =scattered

takoon= will be (feminine)

jibal = mountains

3ihn= wool

manfoosh = carded

fa amma= then he


thaqulat=became heavy

mawazeenuhu=(his) balance
with good deeds.

fa = then

huwa = he



radhia =of pleasure and satisfaction

khaffat=became light(in weight)


ummuhu=his home(ummuhu really means mother,but here it is used to relay this meaning)

hawiyah=bottomless pit

wa ma adraka=and what will explain to you

mahiyah=what it is


Hhamiyah=blazing fiercelywassalamu 3ala mani-ttaba3alhuda

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