Friday, October 24, 2008

Surat Al3asSr

Surah 103 Al3asSr


"Wa -l3aSsr.
Inna-l-insana lafee khussr.
Illa -llatheena aamanou wa 3amilou-SsaliHhat,
wa tawaSsaw bilHhaqi watawaSsaw biSsabr."

1-wa = the wa of oath
Here Allah is making an oath by something so great that we do not know the value of,He is swearing by the TIME.
*Throughout the Quran Aallah makes oaths by the great things He has created(wa-llayl,wa-DduHha,wa-l3aSsr,wa-nnahar....etc).

2-al3aSsr = Time through the ages or long periods
3-inna =for sure(verily)
4-al-insana= Man
5-lafee=is in
6-khussr= loss
allatheena=those who
aamanou=have faith
assaliHhat=good deeds
wa tawaSsaw= and join together(to advise each other)
bilHhaqi = (mutual enjoining )of Truth
bi-Ssabr= patience
wassalamu 3ala mani-ttaba3alhuda

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