Friday, October 24, 2008

Surat Alfeel

Surat Al-feel:
"Alam tara kayfa fa3al rab'buka bi aSsHhabi-lfeel.
Alam yaj3al kaydahum fee taDdleel.
Wa arsala 3alayhim Ttayran ababeel.
Tarmeehim biHhijaratin' min' sejeel.
Fa ja3alahum ka3aSsfi-mma'kool."

Alam = haven't(did you not)

tara = see(you,masculine,singular),
*tarayn(feminine,singular),tarawn(masculine plural).

kayf = how (the "a" at the end of the word is fatha to move the "f" when read in a sentence).
fa3ala =done(he),
*fa3alat(she),fa3aloo(they,masculine) fa3lna(they,feminine).

rabb(uka)=(your) Lord
*rabb=lord,"u" Ddammah on top of the "b",k=your,the "a" is the fatHha on top of the "k".

bi =with

aSsHhab(i) = companions(owners) ,the "i" is the kasrah under "b"
*SsaHhiba(feminine singular),SsaHhib(masculine singular),SsaHhibat(feminine plural)

-lfeel= the elephant

alam = did not

yaj3al = make
*the prefix "ya" is a pronoun added to a verb to show the present time

kayda(hum)=treacherous (plan),hum =theirs

fee =in

taDdleel =go astray


arsala = sent(He)
*arsalat(she sent),arsalou(they sent,M),arsalana(they sent,F),arsaltu(I sent)

3layhim = against (them)

Ttayr(an) =bird,

ababeel = here it means flights of birds

tarmee(him) =throwing(them)


Hhijara(tin) =stones,"tin" is the two kasrahs under the letter "t".
*notice here the tajweed rule of "ikhfaa" ,we read "tin' min' "without letting the tongue touch the palate for the "n".(see the tajweed lessons).

min =of

sijeel= baked clay

fa =so

ja3ala(hum)= did He make (them)

ka = as

3aSsfin'= field of stalks and straw
*here notice the "idgham" with "n" and "m" in the next word so it becomes 3aSsfim-ma'koul.
ma'akoul=eaten up

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