Friday, October 24, 2008

Surat Alhumazah

Sura 104 al-humazah
*please note the number "3" is used instead of the letter "ayn".

Waylul likulli humazatil lumazah.
Allathy jama3a malaw wa 3addadah.
YaHhsabu anna malahu akhladah.
Kalla la yumbathanna fi lHhuTtamah.
Wa ma adraka ma lHhuTtamah.
Naru llahi lmouqadah.
Allaty taTtali3u 3ala l-afidah.
Innaha 3alayhim mouSsaDdah.
Fee 3amadim mumaddadah.

Meanings of words:
Waylun= woe ,but is also a river in Hell called wayl.
*In the transliteration I wrote : waylul, I put an l instead of the n ,because here we must apply the principal of idgham,where if there is an n or tanween followed by a letter of idgham ,we must intone or merge the n with the next letter in this case it is l.

likulli=for every

humazatin= backbiter(when read it alone you pronounce the last n,when it is read with the next word that begins with an idgham letter).



jama3a= collected

malan= money,wealth(also read alone pronouncing the last n,but if followed by a letter of idgham,then it is merged,intoned with the w,so it read malaw wa3addadah).


*3addadah= laying it by(for the future,does he know that he will live that much to spend it???)
yaHhsabu=(he) thinks
anna = that

malahu = his money,malaha(her money),malahum(their money)

akhladah(u) = make him last forever,the u here is for him,but when read at the end of the aya (stoppng)then we do not read the harakat (fatha,Ddammah,and kasrah)

kalla = no
layunbathanna=(he) will be sure to be thrown
here (la) is for assurance, (yu) is indicating him,(anna)also for assurance,the root of the word is nabitha and it means discarded,thrown away.

Al-HhuTtamah=is another name of The Fire,which breaks to pieces

Ma = what

Adrak =realise
Ma adraak=what makes you realise ,or,what will explain to you

Naar(u)= Fire,u is the Ddahmma on top of the r

Almuqadah= kindled,ablaze
when reading this word attached to the word before it,you must not pronounce this first a,for it takes the sound of the last letter in the previous word sio it becomes (narullahi-lmuqaadah)=kindled

Allati=that which(feminine),

TaTtali3u=mounts,reaches,looks into


al-afidah= the hearts

innaha=(feminine) it is,
(innahu)masculine,innahum(masculine plural),innahunna(feminine plural).

3alayhim= on them,
alyhinna(them,feminine,plural),alyhi(masculine singular),alayha(feminine singular).

MouSsadah = sealed(like a vault).

3amad(in)=columns , 3amoud=one column

mumaddadah = outstretched.
wallahu a'alam

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